Flatlands Acupuncture
Dr. Erika Polsfut, CMD, Dr. Ac

Dr. Erika Polsfut, CMD, Dr. Ac, recently joined the Radiance Health YQR Team and is excited to run her Flatlands Acupuncture practice in this beautiful space.
Come Experience the Benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine by Booking an Appointment with Dr. Erika today!

Meet Dr. Erika Polsfut, CMD, Dr. Ac
Erika Polsfut graduated as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from the Canadian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CITCM) in Calgary, AB, in 2022. Her 4-year program was a full-time intensive education that combined Western and Eastern Medical knowledge with the foundations of acupuncture and Chinese herbology, along with over 1,300 clinic hours.
In her early 20’s Erika began seeking natural ways to treat the infertility she was experiencing due to PCOS. She came to discover that dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as acupuncture, had fantastic effects and results on her body. Through a long and winding road of babies, postpartum depression, hormonal challenges, and more, Erika began to find healing and became enthusiastic to help others see the possibilities available to them through this precious ancient medical practice. In her late 30’s Erika decided to go all-in by getting the education needed to begin practicing TCM and Acupuncture herself.
Erika has a passion to treat women, not only for fertility, but also in the years before and beyond. She loves to help patients achieve hormonal balance, get a good night’s sleep after suffering from insomnia, overcome depression, decrease hot-flashes and make menopause less uncomfortable, heal body aches and pains, and to help maintain their overall health and wellness.
While her focus is geared toward women’s health, Dr. Erika's practice is versatile and she welcomes all patients from every walk of life who would like to see what Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can do for them.
YOU are welcome here.
Erika currently resides with her husband, their 5 children, and dog in Regina, Saskatchewan.
You can find her practicing at Head to Heal Family Wellness Centre, 2706 13th Ave

About Traditional Chinese Medicine
As its name suggests, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in China and dates back at least three thousand years. The founding fathers of TCM developed their theories and diagnostic abilities by observing nature, as well as the cycles of life. They surmised that all illness came from imbalances within the body, that health could be achieved by bringing the body back into balance (homeostasis), and that the body was capable of healing itself when given the correct stimulation. The various forms of treatment used by TCM practitioners to help the body regain homeostasis are Acupuncture, Herbal Medicines, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion, Tuina, and more.
While its popularity has never wavered in Asia, it wasn’t until the 1970’s that the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized TCM as a valid practice for treating illness and requested that China begin training practitioners outside of China. Since then, TCM has been gaining traction all over the world as people realize the effectiveness of this “alternative” medicine.
In Canada, the first school of TCM opened its doors in 1985, and by 1988 Alberta began to legislate the practice. In 2008, British Columbia lead the way by considering acupuncture a “medical service” which allowed insurance companies to reimburse treatments. Now most insurance companies across Canada will cover acupuncture. National licensing exams (board exams) for Acupuncturists, TCM doctors and practitioners, and Herbalists have been conducted since 2013 (2).
Understandably, the practice of TCM still seems quite new to many Canadians, but rest assured, it is a practice that has stood the test of time.
2. History of Traditional Chinese Medicine | CITCM Acupuncture Calgary AB